We’ll reach out to you shortly confirming your order and expected delivery time. We are doing our best to accommodate all orders as soon as possible. You can expect your order to be sent out for delivery within 24-48 hours. Curbside pickup at either location can be done the same day. Thank you!
Please note, the studios are closed on Monday. If you need an order delivered those days please reach out, we’ll do our best to accommodate.
Pottery pieces are limited availability. First come, first serve! In the event we don’t have your item, we’ll reach out with additional options.
Thank you for your support in this difficult time! Be safe and stay well!
Thank you,
The Hands on Pottery Team
Please feel free to share with friends on social! @handsonpotteryct
We love to see what you can create!
What do I do when I finished painting my pottery? The pieces will need to be returned to the studio for firing. When the paint is dry, wrap your pottery back in the newsprint paper, and back in the bag. Please make sure your name and phone number are on the bag. Save your excess paint for future projects. You can curbside drop off (Tue-Sun) OR we can collect your piece when you place another order! Our studios are located at 1700 Post Road in Fairfield, or 15 Tokeneke Road, Darien. After returning to our studio, it will take a few days to fire and be ready for pick up!
Or call us to make arrangements. We’ll do our best to accommodate.